Sunday, February 1, 2015

My Family 2003 Trip to Disney World

My Family 2003 Trip to Disney World

I was sharing this scrapbook album in a Facebook group, when I realized that I had never shared this Disney album in my blog!!  I had shared our 2008 trip, but not this one!!  So, here is the first trip that we ever took to Disney World.  My son's were 5 and 1.  A few days into our trip, both of them got sick with a fever. Uugghhh!!  But we made the best of it and still had a great time!!  Thanks so my mother and father-in-law for taking us!!  If not for your help, we wouldn't have been able to go!!  Best in-laws ever!!  Here's our trip!!  Enjoy!!


  1. Those are very lovely photos! It seems like you guys had a lot of fun there – especially the kids. Too bad they got sick, but at least they were able have this wonderful experience. On the other hand, you’ve done an amazing job on making that scrapbook. Scrapbooks are amazing, it makes remembering things that happened in the past even more fun. Thanks for sharing this with us. All the best!

    Harry Newton @ All Scrapbook Steals

    1. Thanks so much for the compliment!!! I have been scrapbooking for over 15 years. It is truly what I love to do!!!
