Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Boy Scout Scrapbook Album

Boy Scout Scrapbook Album

As I had hoped from my post last week, I was able to almost finish my 16 year old son's Boy Scout scrapbook album.  The only reason that it isn't done is that I need to add a few more photos of his Eagle Ceremony, which hasn't happened yet.  Hopefully, in the next few months we will be able to have that ceremonoy and I can fill in the missing photos!!  The reason for the delay was an unforeseen death in the Boy Scout Council a few weeks ago.  So, until it is all sorted out, we will just plan everything about the ceremony except for the date!!
This is my son's trail through Boy Scouts!!!  In the short 6 years that he has been in Boy Scouts, he has learned so much!!  Not just about scouts, but about the world, other people, and himself.  He has grown into a wonderful young man who is very compassionate and forgiving.  Through scouts he has learned how to survive on his own in the wild if he needed to:  what to eat, what not to eat.  He has even learned lots of survival techniques for broken bones, first aid, and CPR.  Many things are learned and used through scouts.  Of course he probably wouldn't like to admit it, but he has also learned to sew, cook, and manage finances.  Lol!!  I hope you enjoy all the photos of the badges he has earned (26), the trips that he has taken, and just the fun that was had, by not only him, but we his family!!



  1. Love the colors and I never thought of tearing a page! I like that, and the one cut on an angle.

    1. Thanks so much!!! Oh, yes, I love tearing pages!! It seems so wrong, but feels so good!! Lol!!! It gives it a nice layering touch AND you can even ink the edges of the torn area to give it even more definition!! The possibilities are endless!!

  2. Congratulations to your son on achieving his Eagle Scout! My husband and son are both Eagle Scouts. It is something that will stay with him the rest of his life. You never know what kind of opportunities he may get as a result of that.

    Speaking of cooking, they did Scouts while we were living in China. Kids don't cook over there. When they were on a campout and the boys started cooking, they would draw a crowd!

  3. Yes, I am very excited for him to finish!! I hope he has amazing opportunities in life because of this achievement!! I am so proud of him!! Congrats to your son and husband also!! Thanks so much!!

  4. Where did you get the album? I'm working on my son's scout album in preparation for his Eagle Court of Honor. Congrats to your son!
