Monday, June 27, 2016

3 Good Reasons to Buy Premade Scrapbook Albums

3 Good Reasons to Buy Premade Scrapbook Albums

Save Time-  You will save sooooo much time letting someone else make and create you a premade scrapbook album.  You could buy one that is made for a specific occasion or have one custom made of your choice of themes.  Also, your pictures could be included in an album also.  So, you literally have NO time in it.
Save Money- Now, before you say, "What?" to this, let me tell you it all can be expensive.  If you are not a scrapbooker, then you would have lots of supplies to buy:  adhesive, paper cutter, album, paper, stickers, etc.  And if you never plan to scrapbook again then these supplies go to waste and you've lost your money on them.  So, don't waste your money on the supplies to waste, let someone who already has these supplies make the scrapbook album for you.
Help Someone's Dream Come True-  Most people who are willing to make a scrapbook album for you with or without photos, is usually more than happy to do so.  We actually enjoy creating for others as well as ourselves!!  So, let an "expert scrapbooker" do this for you and in turn you will be helping their dream come true.
Now if you have decided that you would like a premade scrapbook album, click the links below to see some premade scrapbook albums of many themes and sizes.  If you would like one custom made, there is a listing for that also only on my Etsy site.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Where I Buy My Supplies

Where do I buy my scrapbooking supplies?

I am always on the look out everywhere I go for scrapbookinig supplies.  I love to shop, so this is just an added bonus.  My favorite stores to shop for my supplies are:  Hobby Lobby, Michael's, and Joann's.  I have found lots of goodies on sale at all of these stores.  They have sales often, sometimes every week!!  It's all about the sales to give YOU the best deals possible on the scrapbook albums I create!!  
Another great place to find different and hard to find items is on Ebay.  Yes, I am not only a seller on Ebay, but I am also a buyer!!  Some of my greatest finds have been on Ebay.  You never know what you may find on their site.  It's like a treasure hunt!!  Very exciting!!!
A few more places I visit are Big Lots, Ollie's, Gabriel Brothers, and Tuesday Morning.
I very seldom buy from Scraps Etc. or Archivers because of the expense.  These are great stores, however, to find very specific items you may be looking for (papers, embellishments, etc.).  They very rarely run sales!!  My main purpose is to create a one-of-a-kind scrapbook album for you at a decent price.  
Occasionally, I'll look on Craigslist for scrapbooking supplies, but I haven't had any luck with that thus far.  It definitely doesn't hurt to look, though!!
If you know of any great stores to find scrapbooking supplies, please share with me.  Thanks.

Monday, June 20, 2016

How I Started Scrapbooking - Updated

How I Started Scrapbooking

I thought today I would tell you a little more about myself.  I have been married for 16 years to my husband, Cory.  I have two wonderful boys, CJ and Shane.  CJ is 17 and Shane is 13.  I had a dog, Cheyenne, who passed away in January.  She was 14 1/2 years old.  I have one cat, which we call Mama Kitty.  You'll see some scrapbooks about these girls!!
I have a full time job at an middle school as a special needs aide, and my husband does autobody collision.
We are just your typical family, doing our typical thing!!
I got started in scrapbooking in 2000.  At that time I was working at a daycare center, and one of the parents showed me a scrapbook of one of her children.  I was definitely impressed and wanted to know more.  She let me know of a few place that she got supplies and how she got started.  Soon I was addicted!!  I started scrapbooking my son, CJ, who was almost 2.  I had all kinds of supplies and gadgets!!  I was in heaven!!
Over the years, I have continued to have a passion for scrapbooking.  I have created many family scrapbook albums; heritage, my boys, vacations, my animals, and me.  Several years ago I started making scrapbook albums for people as a little extra income.  Then in November of 2012, I started my own online business through Ebay selling premade scrapbook albums to everyone in the U.S.  Not long after that, I became part of the Global Shipping Program, and now sell all over the world!!  In May of 2015, I decided to add Etsy as one of my selling platforms, and things have only gotten better!!!
While it has been a bit challenging juggling 2 jobs and a family, I wouldn't trade it for the world!!

If you are interested in seeing my premade scrapbook albums, click on the link below, and you will be directed to my Ebay store. I will also leave my link to my Etsy store.  Thank so much for reading!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My Business

Business Talk

For those of you that don't know, I started my own small business about 4 years ago.  I started selling my premade scrapbook albums and pages locally, through Ebay, and now through Etsy.  It has taken some time to build up my business, but through my amazing friend's and family's support, I have a pretty steady schedule.

I owe it all to those who like, share, and comment on my business posts, without you I don't think I would be where I am today.  :)

If you would like to keep up with my business (new products, ideas, etc), you can like my Facebook page at:

If you would like to see some of the items that I offer, please take a look at my Etsy shop here:

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post, and if you feel the need, please share my business with your family and friends!!!  :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I'm back!!! -Selling on Etsy

I'm back!!!!!!

Hi, everyone!!!  I must first apologize that I have really let this blog go for way too long!!!  Things have been so busy in life that some things just have to fall to the wayside.  So, if you were following me and it seemed as if I had fallen off the face of the earth, no fear, I haven't.  Lol!!

Over the past year, I started selling my scrapbooks on Etsy in addition to Ebay.  It was a slow-go at first, about 2 months, but then sales started happening and orders started coming in.  Yayyyyy!!!  However, I changed jobs from part time to full time at the end of the summer.  Yes!!!  It was a huge adjustment!!!  Not just for me, but my business and my family.  My oldest son was also starting his senior year of high school.  Yes, so things were really busy and crazy!!!  So, anyway, I plan on starting this blog back up again and posting here and there.

So again, I started selling on Etsy in May of 2015 from the advice of a friend and pastor's wife.  She had told me many times to try selling on Etsy.  I admit, I was scared because all I had ever sold online was on Ebay, which was working out okay then.  Again, it started out slow because I had no clue how to sell on Etsy.  I sold my first item, I believe, in July.  This was after I realized that I needed to add tags to my listings, lol.  I had no idea what tags were, but someone in a Facebook group that I had joined had mentioned it.  So, lo and behold, I went to my listings and I had no tags.  No wonder I wasn't getting the traffic that everyone seemed to be talking about.

Now, I feel at least that I have the hang of selling on Etsy.  However, some days things don't go quite right and I learn something new, usually from a new customer.  I am working on watching Etsy videos to help me with my business while I'm on summer break.  So, maybe when I go back to work in the fall, things won't seem so crazy.  I will have my youngest son starting high school, though, so who knows!!

Anyways, it's great to be back and I hope that my business gets better and better and that I can learn to juggle it better and better also.  Thanks so much, and I hope to here from some of you soon!!!

If you would like to visit my Etsy shop, here is the link:

If you would like to visit my Ebay store, here is the link: