Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I'm back!!! -Selling on Etsy

I'm back!!!!!!

Hi, everyone!!!  I must first apologize that I have really let this blog go for way too long!!!  Things have been so busy in life that some things just have to fall to the wayside.  So, if you were following me and it seemed as if I had fallen off the face of the earth, no fear, I haven't.  Lol!!

Over the past year, I started selling my scrapbooks on Etsy in addition to Ebay.  It was a slow-go at first, about 2 months, but then sales started happening and orders started coming in.  Yayyyyy!!!  However, I changed jobs from part time to full time at the end of the summer.  Yes!!!  It was a huge adjustment!!!  Not just for me, but my business and my family.  My oldest son was also starting his senior year of high school.  Yes, so things were really busy and crazy!!!  So, anyway, I plan on starting this blog back up again and posting here and there.

So again, I started selling on Etsy in May of 2015 from the advice of a friend and pastor's wife.  She had told me many times to try selling on Etsy.  I admit, I was scared because all I had ever sold online was on Ebay, which was working out okay then.  Again, it started out slow because I had no clue how to sell on Etsy.  I sold my first item, I believe, in July.  This was after I realized that I needed to add tags to my listings, lol.  I had no idea what tags were, but someone in a Facebook group that I had joined had mentioned it.  So, lo and behold, I went to my listings and I had no tags.  No wonder I wasn't getting the traffic that everyone seemed to be talking about.

Now, I feel at least that I have the hang of selling on Etsy.  However, some days things don't go quite right and I learn something new, usually from a new customer.  I am working on watching Etsy videos to help me with my business while I'm on summer break.  So, maybe when I go back to work in the fall, things won't seem so crazy.  I will have my youngest son starting high school, though, so who knows!!

Anyways, it's great to be back and I hope that my business gets better and better and that I can learn to juggle it better and better also.  Thanks so much, and I hope to here from some of you soon!!!

If you would like to visit my Etsy shop, here is the link:

If you would like to visit my Ebay store, here is the link:

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