Monday, June 20, 2016

How I Started Scrapbooking - Updated

How I Started Scrapbooking

I thought today I would tell you a little more about myself.  I have been married for 16 years to my husband, Cory.  I have two wonderful boys, CJ and Shane.  CJ is 17 and Shane is 13.  I had a dog, Cheyenne, who passed away in January.  She was 14 1/2 years old.  I have one cat, which we call Mama Kitty.  You'll see some scrapbooks about these girls!!
I have a full time job at an middle school as a special needs aide, and my husband does autobody collision.
We are just your typical family, doing our typical thing!!
I got started in scrapbooking in 2000.  At that time I was working at a daycare center, and one of the parents showed me a scrapbook of one of her children.  I was definitely impressed and wanted to know more.  She let me know of a few place that she got supplies and how she got started.  Soon I was addicted!!  I started scrapbooking my son, CJ, who was almost 2.  I had all kinds of supplies and gadgets!!  I was in heaven!!
Over the years, I have continued to have a passion for scrapbooking.  I have created many family scrapbook albums; heritage, my boys, vacations, my animals, and me.  Several years ago I started making scrapbook albums for people as a little extra income.  Then in November of 2012, I started my own online business through Ebay selling premade scrapbook albums to everyone in the U.S.  Not long after that, I became part of the Global Shipping Program, and now sell all over the world!!  In May of 2015, I decided to add Etsy as one of my selling platforms, and things have only gotten better!!!
While it has been a bit challenging juggling 2 jobs and a family, I wouldn't trade it for the world!!

If you are interested in seeing my premade scrapbook albums, click on the link below, and you will be directed to my Ebay store. I will also leave my link to my Etsy store.  Thank so much for reading!!!

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