Monday, July 11, 2016

Graduation Scrapbook Album

Graduation Scrapbook Album

Things have been so busy this summer with my oldest son graduating!!  Yaaayyyy!!!  We are getting him signed up for college and trying to find him a job that will work around his school schedule.  Who knew that signing up for college was such a hurry up and then wait process?  It's a bit exhausting!!!  So, anyway, I was finally able to get started on his graduation scrapbook album.  Again, yaaayyyy!!!  I still have to glue everything down, but it's all put together.  So, here's a photo of the work in progress!!

This album will go with his collection of life scrapbooks, plus his Cub Scout and Boy Scout albums.  I am very proud of the young man he is becoming.  He has had some academic struggles over the years, but seems to have come out above them.  I'm actually surprised he wanted to go to college because of the struggles he has had with some of his classes.  This just makes me even more proud that he has overcome his challenges and ready and willing to take on more!!  I wish him the very best in his college years and life itself!!  Go get 'em buddy!!!

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