Saturday, July 30, 2016

Dog Shadow Box

Dog Shadow Box 

I just recently finished a shadow box of my dog.  She was 14 and a half years old when she passed away in January of this year (2016).  She had been such a huge part of our family.  She had lymphoma and I had to make the very difficult decision to have her put down on January 23rd.  It was by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  She was so weak and in so much pain that I couldn't let her suffer anymore.  We went as a family to the vet after I called to make sure that I could take her in.  My husband and youngest son didn't want to go back, but me and my older son did.  It was so sad to see her go, but I needed to see it happen.  It truly was hard to watch, but I didn't want her to be alone with people she didn't know.  We petted her and talked to her until she was gone.  I still have a hard time with my decision, but I couldn't let her suffer and she is in a better place now.  She has crossed the doggy rainbow bridge and is happy and free of pain again.  That makes me happy.  Here is the shadow box that I made in her memory.  It includes her collar, leash, and bear that she loved.  It was the only toy that she ever liked.

We also had a gravestone made for her a few months ago.  A very nice lady on Etsy made it for us.  She did a wonderful job!!!  Here's a photo of it.

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