Monday, July 25, 2016

Happy Mail

Happy Mail

Do you love receiving packages in the mail?  Me too!!!  Sometimes if I've ordered a few things around the same time, it's exciting to see which package gets to me first.  Sometimes I'm even surprised at the things I get because I forgot I ordered something!!  Lol!!!

Today I got some happy mail!!!  However, it is for a custom order that I'm working on.  It's still exciting though!!!  Where do you usually purchase goodies from?

My special order items usually come from Ebay.  I can find unique items there for scrapbooking that I can't find anywhere else.  However, if I'm buying a special gift for myself, I buy from Etsy or another handmade seller on Facebook.  I made a New Year's resolution for this year, 2016, to buy from a handmade seller once a month.  Which reminds me, I need to make a purchase for this month, July!!

I hope others will join in on my resolution, especially if you are a handmade seller also.  You succeed when you help others!!!  This is very true!!!  I try to help many people with sales and knowledge in selling handmade.  It has truly helped my business to grow!!

Ok, well, I probably need to check out my favorites list on Etsy to see who my next purchase will come from for the month of July.  If you have a shop, comment below!!!  You could be next in line for my resolution sales coming up!!!  I hope that you, too, can commit to this challenge.  These gifts are not always for myself.  For the month of June, I bought a handmade sign for my sister's birthday which is coming up.  Sometimes you have to get creative on what you want to buy and from whom.  Thanks so much and I hope to hear from you soon!!!

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