Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dog/Puppy Scrapbook Album

Dog/Puppy Scrapbook Album

A couple of Christmas's ago, I made my mom a scrapbook of her dog.  He had past away about a year learlier.  He was almost 15 years old!!
We got him at a pet store when I was a little girl.  He was from a litter of 8 puppies!  He was the only one in the store that was running around all rambunctious and then peed on the floor!!
That's when I knew he was the one for us!!  My mom on the other hand, wasn't so sure!!
So, we left with him and never looked back!!  We named him, Cody, aka Cody Pup, and aka Bubba!!
He was such a gooddog!!  Within the first few days, he started scratching at the door to go potty.  He was such a smart dog!!
He loved attention and on Christmas, he would open all his own gifts!!  He was terrific!!
A few months before he passed, he got really sick and wouldn't eat much.  We took him to the vet several times and they didn't know what was going on!!  We even got a second opinion and nothing!!
After a few months of watching him wither down, then perk up again, we decided it was time to let go.  He was so weak, he had to almost be carried outside to go potty.  He had fewer and fewer "good" days!!
So, on a nice summer day, we called on House Vets for House Pets, and they came to her house to put him to sleep.
It was one of the saddest days of my life!!  My mom, me, and my boys decided to have it done on the porch with him wrapped in my mom's blanket that he loved so much!!  It was so peaceful!!
After he passed, we waited until my dad and my husband could be there and we had a "funeral" for him.  My oldest son, who was 12 at the time, wanted to make a cross for him.  So, he and my dad did just that and put it on his grave in the back yard.
A few months later, my mom had a gravestone made to put on his grave.  We had his picture engraved on it too!!  It's beautiful, just like him!!  We put the gravestone on his grave along with the cross that my son made!!
"We love you, Cody, and you will always be missed!!!!"

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