Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Dream

My Dream

When I was in school all of my friends knew what they wanted to be when they got out of school.  One wanted to be a veterinarian, one a nurse, and so on.  I never knew what I wanted to BE.
However, when I was in 3rd grade I started making and selling bookmarks.  Funny, huh?  Well, it made some money.
Then in the 6th grade I started making friendship bracelets out of embroidery floss.  I had so many different colors!!  I even took orders and made them for classmates.
Then in the 8th grade, I decided to make beaded necklaces and bracelets.  I even took orders and made those too.
In high school, my best friend decided she was going to go to a trade school for her last 2 years of school.  What?  And leave me here!!  I looked at all the classes that were being offered at my home school and nothing appealed to me.  So, on a whim, I went to the trade school too and took the same course she did, Business Technology.
As it turns out, it was the best choice for me.  I had never done so well in school.  I kept a 4.0 both years and was the top in my class at the trade school.  This is also where I met my future husband!! (actually he had gone to my home school and was the brother to my best guy friend, we just hadn’t met yet)
When I graduated I had a job as a secretary for a lawyer.  Some people would think this was a great job!!  Well, it paid the bills, but it wasn’t what I wanted to do!!
I got married, bought a house, had a couple kids, and left the lawyers office.  I got a job as a toddler teacher at a daycare.  Best job ever!!  I was making money, being creative (art projects), and my kids were right there with me!!
I stayed there for a few years until my older son started having trouble in school.  Between talking to the teachers, tutoring him at home, and working full time, something had to give.  I had to quit that job.
Then I became a stay at home mom.  I took care of my younger son during the day and got my older son and a little girl on and off the bus.  Great job!!  While I was at the daycare I had been introduced to scrap booking.  So, now being a stay at home mom, I could also scrapbook.  Yay!!
Then last year, 2013, I decided to start my own business.  I wanted to make premade scrapbooks for people’s photos.  Now I know not everyone is a scrap booker or even really likes scrap booking.  This is the great thing about what I do.  All of my albums are ready for 4 by 6 photos.  So, it’s really not much different for you to put photos in than a regular photo album!!  Okay, well, it is much prettier, and you may use a little glue, but it is really easy!!
Anyways, my first year was great, and I hope this year is even better!!
Unfortunately, my business wasn’t paying enough of our bills, and I had to get a part time job!!  Booo!!  Less time for scrap booking  now!!
I now have a job as a cafeteria worker (lunch lady) at a local school.  Now, I know most of you are thinking, this is a great job in this economy.  Well, it does pay the bills, but it is not where I want to be!!
I have all this figured out, though.  I have calculated how many scrapbook albums I need to sell to make the same amount of money that I am at this job.  Are you curious to know how many I would need to sell a week?
Three!!  Yes, I said, three!!  You know that this is so doable?  I was so excited when I figured this out.  So my goal, right now, is to sell 3 albums a week!!
It has taken me all these years to realize what I am supposed to BE.  It was right in front of my face all along.  I have always been an artist and creator.  Beyond that I am an entrepreneur, I was even back in grade school.
I now know what my calling is!!!  I was meant to scrapbook people’s stories, even my own!!  I believe this is what I am supposed to be doing!!  I am supposed to help people tell their stories through scrap booking.  I am supposed to help them capture and relive all these great memories they have been given!!  This is what I was called to do!!
This is what I’m supposed to BE!!  This is my dream!!
If you would like to help this moms dream come true, click the link below!!
This link will take you to my eBay store where all my wonderful premade scrapbook albums are waiting for you.  You can fill these albums with all of your great memories to cherish for years to come.

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