Saturday, March 29, 2014

Scrapbook Organization

Scrapbook Organization

This is my organization system!!  
It wasn't always this organized!!  It took a lot of time and a lot of years!!
When I first started scrapbooking, all of my supplies were in file boxes and my desk was in my son's closet!!  After a few years, it grew bigger with supplies that had to be put in other boxes on shelves in my son's room.  Lots of boxes, but label so that I could find what I needed!!  I've always tried to organized even if space wasn't exactly available.
Finally I was able to "graduate" to these stacked cubes and move out of my son's room!!  Unfortunatley, I had to move to the kitchen because of lack of space anywhere else.  So, this is my organizational system in my kitchen!! 
There are 15 stacked cubes that lock together!!  These cubes hold ALL my scrapbook supplies!!  Each drawer is labeled with what is inside!!  Some are labeled with a couple themes, to fill each drawer.  This is, by far, the best way for me to organize my scrapbooking stuff.
However, my scrapbook albums, are in various rooms on shelves in my house!!  The scrapbook albums that I am currently selling are in storage bins with bubble wrap in my bedroom!!
Yeah, we need a bigger house!!  As do most people when they have lived in their house for almost 15 years!!  You tend to grow out of it!! (hahahaha)

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