Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cat Scrapbook Album

Cat Scrapbook Album

This is an album I dedicated to my only cat now, Momma Kitty!!  She has had a couple litters of kittens and she had a few friends come stay with us.  But they all could not stay!  I do love cats, but they don't like to share things.  Particularly the litter box!!!  I cannot live that way!  So, we had to find homes for some of the kitties.

One kitty came to us from a little girl I babysat.  Her grandmother got her a kitten and realized a month of so later that she was allergic.  To keep from breaking the little girl's heart, we adopted the kitty.

Another kitty was adopted by me when I went to the Dollar Tree store to get a few get well cards for a few elderly ladies at our church.  Someone had left the kitten in a crate outside their door.  I figured it was meant to be!!

Momma Kitty came to my doorstep with her kittens.  We took care of her and one of the kittens, and gave the others away to good homes.

Because we kept them outside, Momma Kitty became pregnant again.  This time we brought her inside and she has been inside since.  She is terrified now to go outside!

So now we just have Momma Kitty and our dog Cheyenne.  They have a love/hate relationship.  Some days they are okay and other days not so much.  Anyway, we love them both the same!!

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