Sunday, July 13, 2014

Continued-My Scrapbooks of My Youngest Son

Only today and tomorrow left of my whole week of scrapbook layouts of my younger son!!  In about a week or so, I'll be doing a week of my older son!!  He will be turning 16!!  Enjoy!!
Baking a Christmas Time!!!  Lots of great memories and a bit of a mess!!
The day of Love!!  Valentine's Day!!
Shane's school photo along with a class photo!!  And a note from Mom!!
Photos at our local park!  It is beautiful there!!
We decided to visit an Indian Festival with my mom and dad!!  We learned a lot and the boys got to do all kinds of activities!!
The crime scene!!!  Shane and his brother were swinging on the swings and decided to close their eyes and twist and turn going up high on the swings.  Well, Shane being the closest to the clubhouse, hit it with his face!!  Yes, a mother's nightmare!!  Blood was everywhere and I wasn't sure if we should go to the hospital!!  We were able to get the bleeding to stop fairly quickly, but for the rest of the day his big brother was so worried and waited on him hand and foot!!  It was really cute!!

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