Wednesday, July 23, 2014

My Oldest Son's Scrapbook Pages

My Oldest Son's Scrapbook Pages

In honor of my oldest son's 16th birthday, I am sharing scrapbook pages from his scrapbooks for 7 days!!
Cory Lee Haggard Jr. (CJ)
July 23, 1998
4lbs. 14 oz. and 18 ½ inches long
Dr. William Avery
I was in my 37th week and went in for my checkup.  The doctor examined me and told me I was 4 centimeters dilated.  I was not expecting that!!!  She went on to tell me that if I experienced headaches or continued bleeding to call right away.  I didn’t hear much of that because I was still trying to digest the fact the I was dilated with 3 weeks left, I thought.  I went home that evening and started having mild contractions.  By morning I had a splitting headache and was still bleeding.  My mom paged the doctor on call at 6am.  He said everything was fine.  Later that afternoon, the headache had worsened so much that I could barley stand.  We called the doctor again and they scheduled me an appointment.  I went in and the nurse checked my vitals.  Then she ran to get he doctor.  The doctor came in a minute later and said that I needed to get to the hospital right away.  My blood pressure was 170/100, and they needed to induce labor.  Wow!!  I was on my way to the hospital that was only 5 minutes away.  As soon as we arrived, my mom called Cory at work to let him know the news.  He came as quick as he could.  They induce labor at 2:30pm, and notified me that I had toxemia and with my blood pressure being so high, mine and the baby’s life were threatened.
The delivery went great!!  The baby and I were both fine.  CJ had a little trouble keeping his body temperature the same, but after the first night, he had managed to maintain it on his own.
I, on the other hand, was still having trouble with my blood pressure.  They had me on a special IV to keep me from having a seizure if it got too high.  They also had to keep checking that the swelling in my legs was lessening because of the toxemia.  I had to spend 5 days in the hospital which meant Cory’s 21st birthday party had to be at the hospital.  We had 2 cakes and ice cream that we shared with all the nurses!!

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