Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My Scrapbook of the Birth of My Youngest Son

The birth of my youngest son!!!
Shane Michael Haggard
July 8, 2002
11:38 am
6 lbs. 4 oz. and 18 ¾ inches long
Dr. Anna Zebrecky
A week or so before he was born, the doctor informed me that I was 1 ½ centimeters dilated.  I stayed paranoid for the next week and kept walking which I heard was great to help dilate more.
Again I was in my 37th week.  Four o’clock the morning of the 8th, I woke up to contractions.  I drank some water and laid on my left side for 45 minutes (advice the doctor had given me before when I had contractions).  Within that time they had worsened.  I woke Cory and told him and then went to page the doctor.  He called back and said to get to the hospital.  We arrived and found that I was now 4 ½ centimeters dilated.  The nurse said, “You’re going to have a baby today!”  They induced labor at 9:30 am because my body was not dilating anymore.  Apparently my epidural didn’t work well because I was in some serious pain.  I was not liking the doctor who kept telling me to push when it made the pain worse.
Finally, he was here, after pushing for 13 minutes ( it felt like more than that).  While delivering he had torn two places in my bladder that had to be repaired.  Quite painful again even with 2 more doses of numbing medicine.  It was worth it though, and the next day we got to go home.

If you would like to have a scrapbook album made for someone you love, contact me!!  Or check out all the premade scrapbook albums, pages, and more I have for sale in my ebay store!!  http://stores.ebay.com/madejustforyouscrapbooks/

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