Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 7-Last Day of My Oldest Son's Scrapbook Pages

Last Day!!! (of this series of posts)
Oh the dreaded broken bones!!!
The Lego Store!!!
Ice skating is so funny!!  My boys and I are not very good at it!!  My husband, on the other hand, is pretty good!!
Cleaning and redoing his room was so exciting!!
Boy Scouts!!
This photo (to the right) is pretty special because it has 4 generations of family!!
This is his greatest passion right now!!  Playing the snare drum specifically!!  They are the best band in the land!!
He decided to spend a night with us and the Cub Scouts for our annual "Cardboard Campout".  We did this around Christmas time!!  Every family or group made there own house out of cardboard and decorated with Christmas lights and anything else they could come up with.  We had the local firefighters come and judge to find the winners!!  It was inside where it was warm, but everyone had a great time!!  We slept in our "house" and woke up in the morning to open presents!!
Well, I hope you have enjoyed another week in the life of "me"!!  I'm just an ordinary girl just trying to make a living.  Scrapbooking being my passion!!
If you would like for me to do pages for you, or ev en an entire album, just let me know!!  Click on the link below to see all the premade pages and scrapbook albums I have available right now!!  Lots to choose from!!

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