Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 2- My Scrapbook Pages of My Oldest Son

In honor of my oldest son's 16th birthday, I am sharing pages from some of his scrapbooks that I have created for him.  I hope you enjoy and get lots of inspiration for your own scrapbooks!!!
I love looking back at the way I used to scrapbook!!!  When I first started I did just one page layouts!!  It took a little while until I "graduated" to two page layouts!!  Lol!!
Oh, how he loved the outdoors!!  Actually, he still loves the outdoors!!
His first birthday party!!!!  Yay, he is one!!!
These were an impromptu moment!!  I went to Kroger to pick something up and these photo people were there doing photos!!  How convenient!!  And CJ was actually sick, but you can't really tell!!
This is when we first got our dog, Cheyenne!!  She is now 13 years old and going strong!!  I love how he carried her around!!
If you would like for me to make your some scrapbook pages or even a whole scrapbook album, just contact me.  You can check out some of my premade scrapbook pages, albums, and more at my ebay store link below!!

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